-About Our Company-

Experience the Difference: Next-Level Web Services at SariyaIT

A full suite of web services, expertise to deliver specialized solutions that fulfill the specific requirements

Exceptional service from initial consultation to the final delivery. Client-centered philosophy with meticulous attention to detail and dedication to excellence.

  • Ensuring your website’s success by top-tier web services.

  • Crafting your digital presence with results-driven digital services.

  • Making the most of your online potential with focused SEO techniques.

8+ Years Experience

-What We Offer-

Our Best Solution


Website Development

Utilize our highly specialized web development solutions to unleash the full potential of your website.


Graphics Design

We Bring your vision to life. Our designs capture your brand’s essence with creativity and precision.


Digital Marketing

Creative digital marketing strategies that connect you with your audience and increase conversions.


Search Engine Optimization

Utilize our expert SEO strategies to maximize the potential of your website and move up the search results.


Website Security

Stay ahead of malicious attacks and safeguard your website with our reliable website security services.



Experience lightning-fast website performance and uptime with our superior web hosting services.

-Latest Project-

Our Awesome Work

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Enhance Your Online Presence with Our Range of Value-Added Features

We provide extra features because we recognize how important to have a trustworthy, reliable, and secure website.

  • We provide more than website design, development & marketing. To make sure that your website runs smoothly & securely.


Our domain & hosting solutions will simplify your web presence.


Web Security

Secure your online world, With our strong web security solutions.



Enhance the website’s security & Performance with SSL and CDN.


Website Backup

Shield your website data loss, With dependable website backup solutions.


Our Client Feedback

Client satisfaction is not just a goal, it’s a core value. We firmly believe that our success is inextricably linked to the satisfaction of our clients.

Ali Zulfikar Zahedi
Ali Zulfikar Zahedi

CEO, Addrian Productions

I had a wonderful experience working with your team. Everything was perfect, from the moment I contacted them for website design and development, to the simple hosting and domain setup, and finally to the first-rate SEO services.

Isaac Clark
Isaac Clark

Account Manager, Nelison

I am so impressed with SariyaIT’s web design & development services! They were able to create a stunning, functional website by capturing the heart of my brand. highly recommended.

Jackson Lee
Jackson Lee

VP (RMO), NetReputation

For my business, collaborating with SariyaIT on my digital marketing strategy has been a game changer. Their knowledge and attention to detail have increased traffic and sales. Thanks

Darren Dunner
Darren Dunner

CEO, internetzoneI

I was hesitant about investing in SEO, but SariyaIT made the process simple and easy. My website is now ranking higher than ever before, and I couldn’t be happier. Highly recommend their SEO service.

-Our Blog-

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Omnis est ea eaque rem assumenda.

Incidunt illum possimus quis aspernatur ea consequatur cupiditate. Itaque rerum quo laboriosam quam. ...

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Aut molestiae facilis eos quis ex.

Numquam eveniet recusandae maxime. Autem esse quas maxime enim doloremque recusandae eos delectus. ...

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Sit fugit ut sit numquam ut.

Et quae accusantium molestiae minima laboriosam necessitatibus voluptatem. Impedit dolorum ratione cumque. Ducimus ...

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